Saturday, December 17, 2011

Club Meeting – 13th December 2011

Motivation Documentary Winners - Dec 2011
Motivation Winners for December Anthony Troy, Jason Mallard and Brian Munnelly

The meeting very much followed the proposed agenda. After the chairperson's address, Tony Murphy discussed the revised Motivation Categories for members, defining the criteria for Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced groups. It is hoped that these guidelines will make it easier for new (and existing) members to decide on their motivation group based on their level of photographic competency and experience.
John and Desmond presented this year's club calendar to members. They were appropriately commended for the great effort involved in bringing this project to a completed stage. The calendar is a testament to the fine work done by club members during the year. There are still some calendars available, anyone wishing to acquire one or more can contact John HERE.

Joe Kennedy presented this month's Documentary Photography Motivation which was judged by Brian Farrell. The winners in each category are;

1. Jason Mallard - Ghost Estate.
2. Kit O'Connor - Bad Summer
3. Margaret Dolan - Sunday Fishing at Mullaghmore

1. Brian Munnelly - Winning!
2. Desmond O'Dwyer - Car Shoot
3. Dermot Devine - Wool

1. Anthony Troy - Don't Blow-Out My Candle!
2. Avril Fennell - Shannonside at Work
3. Laura Laugere - Visitors from France
Highly Commended. Marion Noon - Bless These Hands

Congratulations to you all. The Motivation for January is 'SILHOUETTES'. Members are encouraged to interpret the theme in an imaginative way and not restrict themselves to the typical range commonly associated with silhouettes.
Submissions to on or before FRIDAY 6th JANUARY 2012.

Group Sessions
Tony Murphy introduced Advanced members to the basics of using a single flash head and soft-box with reflectors to make a studio portrait. The aim here was to encourage members to use the club's studio lighting system and develop confidence. Tony took a direct and simple approach based on prescribed camera and lighting settings which guaranteed results. This was accessible to all members. Emphasis was placed on understanding how a flash head works, how to adjust the settings and maintain the kit. Tony may run a similar session for Intermediate members at the January meeting.

Joe Kennedy, Jason Mallard and Paraic Brennan brought the Beginners and Intermediate groups together to address issues of resizing images for submission to the monthly motivation. They also addressed some basic editing issues and the application of 'textures' for artistic effect. In light of the revised distinctions in the motivation categories, it is important that members correctly resize and title their submissions. Members should familiarise themselves with the MOTIVATION RULES for clarification.

Photo Shoots
There were no formal arrangements made for Photo Shoots over the Christmas period, however if any members are intending to organise a group specific shoot, they should notify the club secretary in advance. Members can promote their shoot via posting on the club Forum.
  • Boyle Camera Club Committee will meet on Tuesday 3rd January 2012.
  • Next club meeting Tuesday 10th January 2012 at 8pm in St. Joseph's Resource Centre, Boyle.

We wish all our members and their families a very happy and peaceful Christmas and prosperous New Year. We look forward to seeing you all again in January.

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