Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Update on 09/07/24 Meeting

After our break:
Prizes were received to the overall winners and runner-ups of the 52/52 & 26/26 and they were:

2023/24 52/52 Overall Winner:  Margaret Dolan
2023/24 52/52 Runner-up: Sean Gillespie

2023/24 26/26 Overall Winner: Derek Featherstone 

Margaret Dolan receiving their prize from Marty Cooke(Chairperson)

Sean Gillespie receiving their prize from Marty Cooke(Chairperson)

Derek Featherstone receiving their prize from Marty Cooke(Chairperson)

A big congratulations to the members and well done to all members for participating

         Click here to view the 26/26 Challenge Final Submissions                

         Click here to view the 52/52 Challenge Final Submissions

Details of the next 52/52 challenge was announced at last nights club meeting with no definite date
But will begin some time in September shortly after Septembers meeting

The results of the July monthly motivation which was "Visions of Summer" is as follows
(as there was only one member submitted to the beginners then only 1st place result was given)

Beginners - 1st Place - Judith Kennedy - 'Cornered' on a Summer Evening

Intermediate - 1st Place - Derek Fetherstone - Two is company
                        2nd Place - Catherine Mullarkey - Summer Action Farming
                        3rd Place - Mark Stewart - Festival vibes

Advanced - 1st Place - Una Duffy - Succulent Strawberries
                    2nd Place - Ann Doherty - Enjoying the Lakes of Killarney
                    3rd Place - Sean Gillespie - Summer haze

Overall winner: Una Duffy - Succulent Strawberries

Click Here to preview all images on Flickr

Thank you to all that participated as we look forward to the September motivation

As everyone including ourselves need a summer break there will be no meeting in August

NEXT MEETING: 10th September 2024
Monthly motivation for September "Open" Theme Photography

Be sure to check back on our page in the coming days as details of our upcoming exhibition in the Boyle Arts festival will be publish

We look forward to seeing you all compete.
As always, new members are very welcome.

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